About Us

This is what we do

Some of us were born for this time, this hour, this day. The wave of evil and return of the gods of old grows each day. The church is unprepared because of what was stolen from us by a demonic strategy more than 16 centuries ago!

The devil used a stepwise strategy to remove one of the powerhouse pillars of the early church—information held for centuries as true even as the first century church slammed onto the scene of history and the very Gates of Hell were crumbling before demonic eyes. Jews were converting to Christ by the scores and hundreds across the known world. Along with them, Gentile pagans were turning to Jesus, putting down their idols, and abandoning their temples—the flow of money drying up along with the long held prestige and power of demon gods who had ruled for more than three thousand years.

This website is a repository of sharing and informing that is prayerfully designed to intrigue those who are ready by the Spirit of God to hear its message. If you are here, reading these words, then perhaps you are that person. If so, we invite you to explore and to reach out. See our external links for more information and ways to contact us.