Enochian Watcher Template

This is my own personal rendition of an Enochian Watcher Template. Please see the descriptions provided.

Posted by Admin on August 18th, 2023



Derived directly from 1 Enoch 1-44. Represents abstractions of thoughts, words, and actions of the Watchers (fallen sons of God) and Nephilim (giants - later disembodied spirits, demons, unclean spirits, familiar spirits, and so on). Everything in this template is condemned by God. Participants are appointed to judgment, condemnation, and eternal destruction. Includes all NT references to: Satan, demons, unclean spirits, powers of darkness, rulers, authorities, principalities as manifestations of Watchers and Nephilim.




- SEXUAL LUST: Divine heavenly hosts lusting after human women. (1 Enoch 6:2)

- REALM ABANDONMENT: From heavenly to earthly (1 Enoch 6)

- IMPRECATIONS: All matters related/stemming from Mount Hermon (Jews: Mount Sion or High Place)

- HYBRID SEX: Divine heavenly hosts sex with human women (1 Enoch 7:1)

- SACRIFICE: Humans sacrificing humans, animals, material wealth (1 Enoch 19:2)


- SEXUAL IMPURITY: All forms of non-human non-husband/wife sex including all forms of LGBTQP+, GSRM, MOGAI, and beyond.

- HYBRID CHILDREN: Hybrid giant children or Nephilim (1 Enoch 7:3)

- THEFT: Giants stealing from humanity (1 Enoch 7:3)

- BETRAYAL: Giants betrayal of human beings (1 Enoch 7:3)

- BESTIALITY: Giants sex with birds, beasts, reptiles, fish (1 Enoch 7:5)

- BLOOD DRINKING: Giants drinking blood (1 Enoch 7:5)

- CANIBALISM: Giants eating giants (1 Enoch 7:5)



  - MAGIC/SPELLS: Charms and Enchantments (1 Enoch 7:2 - Watchers; 1 Enoch 8:3 - Semjaza)

  - MAGIC/SPELL REVERSAL: (1 Enoch 8:3 - Armaros)

  - HERBOLOGY: Root/herb cutting (1 Enoch 7:2 - Watchers; 1 Enoch 8:3 - Semjaza)

  - WAR/WARFARE: Swords, knives, breastplates (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - METALURGY: Metal and metal-working (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - JEWELRY: Bracelets, ornaments (see MAGIC, SPELLS, METALURGY above) (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - ANTIMONY: Cosmetics (especially "beautifying eyes/eyelids") (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - JEWELS: Costly stones (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - TINCTURES: Coloring dyes (1 Enoch 8:1 - Azazel)

  - ASTROLOGY: (1 Enoch 8:3 - Baraqijal)

  - CONSTELLATION MYSTICISM: Supernatural naming/stories (1 Enoch 8:3 - Kokabel)

  - CLOUD MYSTICISM: Supernatural cloud signs (1 Enoch 8:3 - Ezeqeel)

  - EARTH MYSTICISM: Supernatural earth signs (1 Enoch 8:3 - Araqiel)

  - SUN MYSTICISM: Supernatural sun signs (1 Enoch 8:3 - Shamsiel) 
  - MOON MYSTICISM: Supernatural moon course/signs (1 Enoch 8:3 - Sariel)


  - SEDUCTION: Sirens/seducing women (1 Enoch 19:3)

  - TEMPORARY RESTRAINT: Watchers/giants/human-followers in underworld/hell (1 Enoch 21,22)

  - ETERNAL DESTRUCTION: Watchers/giants/human-followers in eternal fire (1 Enoch 21:12,22)


  - SELF: Humans living limited strength of flesh/passions/lusts/wits/intellect.

  - FALSE-APOSTLES: Humans as those being sent by Watchers/demons per this template.

  - FALSE-EVANGELISTS: Humans demanding others follow Watchers or demons per this template.

  - FALSE-PASTORS: Humans shepherding/tending others per this template.

  - FALSE-TEACHERS: Humans teaching others per this template.

  - FALSE-CHRISTS: Humans as false-messiahs supernaturally empowered per this template.

  - FALSE-PROPHETS: Humans as false prophets speaking from Watchers/demons per this template.


  - EDEN: First Watcher incursion/rebellion (Genesis 3)

  - MOUNT HERMON: Second Watcher incursion/rebellion (Genesis 6:1-4)

  - TOWER OF BABEL: Third Watcher incursion/rebellion (Genesis 10/11)

  - NOD: Cain's exile location (Genesis 4:16)

  - SODOM AND GOMORRAH: (Genesis 18-19)

  - VALLEY OF HINNOM/ GEHENNA: Child sacrifice (Jeremiah 7:31)

  - BABYLON: (Jeremiah 20:4, Revelation 18:2); (Enuma Elish, Epic of Gilgamesh)

  - EGYPT: (Exodus)

  - MOUNT HERMON: (Book of Enoch)

  - CAPERNAUM: (Luke 10:15, Matthew 11:23)

  - NINEVEH: (Book of Nahum)

  - JUDEAN WILDERNESS: (Matthew 4:1-11)

  - AZAZEL’S WILDERNESS: (Leviticus 16: 8-10)

  - ERIDU: Enki water god (Sumerian texts)

  - NIPPUR: City of god Enlil (Sumerian texts)

  - UR: ancient Sumer; Abraham's pagan home (Epic of Gilgamesh); (Genesis 11:31)

  - URUK: mentioned in Genesis 10 as Erech, part of Nimrod's kingdom (Epic of Gilgamesh)

  - MOUNT ARARAT: Home of gods/pre-flood sages (Assyrian texts)

  - CANAAN: Pagans/giants then Land of Promise (Neo-Assyrian texts)

  - HEBRON: Potential ancient home to Anakim giants (Amarna letters)

  - OG, KING OF BASHAN: Last Rephaim (race of giants) (Deuteronomy 3:1-3)

  - ANAKIM: Descendants of Anak (race of giants) (Numbers 13:33)

  - GOLIATH: Gath; defeated by David (1 Samuel 17)

  - NEPHILIM: (Genesis 6:4; Numbers 13:33)

  - ANAKIM/ANAKITES: (Numbers 13:22, 28, 33; Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:10, 21; 9:2; Joshua 
 11:21-22; 14:12, 15; 15:13-14; 21:11; Judges 1:20)

  - REPHAIM: (Genesis 14:5; 15:20; Deuteronomy 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13; Joshua 12:4; 13:12; 15:8;

 17:15; 18:16; 2 Samuel 5:18, 22; 23:13; 1 Chronicles 11:15; 14:9; 20:4)

  - EMIM: (Deuteronomy 2:10)

  - ZAMZUMMIM: (Deuteronomy 2:20)

  - HORIM: (Deuteronomy 2:12, 22)