In Part 1 we left a dangling question:
Let's imagine a situation. We eliminate every nuclear weapon and every man-made disease. Further, consider that the focal point of scriptures, such as in Revelation, is confined to the Middle East, excluding the rest of the world. Then, the subsequent inquiry that arises is, what eventual fully supernatural occurrence could instigate all the events described in the book of Revelation and other related scripture passages?
Indeed! What catastrophic worldwide event could happen that would A) Line up with scripture as we know it, and B) Completely come off as supernatural in the eyes of every man and woman on this planet, regardless of their status in life? I am going to suppose and propose that there are any number of possible answers. What I will suggest might be one, but in no way am I suggesting it is the only one, or even the right one. It is just one of perhaps many possible answers.
Starting blocks
What we need first are scriptures that set the foundation in their raw form. In other words, we're not going to start with conjecture and then go phishing-for-scripture to fit the conjecture. Instead, we will start with some scripture passages to form a basis and then see if the conjecture fits the narrative.
12 When He[Jesus - The Lamb]opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. 14 The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slaved and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”
For the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be dark at its rising, and the moon will not shed its light.
All the host of heaven shall rot away, and the skies roll up like a scroll. All their host shall fall, as leaves fall from the vine, like leaves falling from the fig tree.
And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed. Thorn and thistle shall grow up on their altars, and they shall say to the mountains, ‘Cover us,’ and to the hills, ‘Fall on us.’
27 And there followed him a great multitude of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting for him. 28 But turning to them Jesus said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ 30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us,’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ 31 For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
The earth staggers like a drunken man; it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.
Now—let's take all of the scripture references above and attempt to weave them into a single narrative story and see what we get.
As the sixth seal was opened, there was a great and dreadful shaking. The sun turned dark as sackcloth, and the normally full white-lit moon transformed to the color of blood. The heavens were stirred, the celestial bodies moved out of their places, all according to the divine timing, echoing the words shared in the ancient times through Isaiah, "the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be dark at its rising, and the moon will not shed its light."
As the people of world stood awestruck, the heavens shrunk back. The sky moved above like a scroll being rolled this way or that, and every mountain and island was moved from their seemingly fixed positions. This resonating with the words of Isaiah saying, "All the host of heaven shall rot away, and the skies roll up like a scroll."
The world watched as wonders filled the heavens and the earth portrayed through images of blood, fire, and columns of smoke, fulfilling the prophecy of Joel. It was indeed leading to the great and awesome Day of the Lord, where the sun turned into darkness, and the moon bled before His coming.
Suddenly, the earth began to stagger, as though inebriated, and sway like a fragile hut. Its transgressions laid heavy upon it, and it fell over to one side, unable to rise again, just as Isaiah had prophesied. The fear of the imminent divine judgement overwhelmed humanity. Men and women of every status and power fled and hid themselves in caves among the mountains. Righteous and wicked, they all feared the wrath of the one who sat on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb.
And in the midst of this panic and terror, they began to cry out, words that echoed Hosea's and were later repeated during the most excruciating moment of human history by Jesus, "Fall on us", they cried to the mountains and the hills, "Cover us", they exclaimed.
Indeed, the great day of wrath had come, as foretold by Jesus himself, "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven." It became profoundly crystal clear that none could stand in the face of this overwhelming, inescapable wrath. Only then did mankind seem to realize the severity of their transgressions. Only then did they understand the cosmic, magnificent power of the One they sought to hide from.
The above was generated by ChatGPT-4, and gently massaged by me, using the following query:
Take the following scriptures and weave their contents into a continuous narrative. Use Revelation 6:12-17 as your overall framework for timing:
Revelation 6:12-17 ESV
Isaiah 13:10 ESV
Isaiah 34:4 ESV
Joel 2:30-31 ESV
Matthew 24:29 ESV
Hosea 10:8
Luke 23:30
Isaiah 24:20 ESV
Now—hold this story in your mind. We're going to connect this biblical story taken from scripture and compare it to a field of study that held the attention of men like Albert Einstein for their entire lives. It is a matter about men like Einstein that hardly anyone ever talks about. It is a matter than event the US CIA took up in the decades that followed the passing of Einstein and others. Let's recount that history here:
Einstein and Catastrophism
The term "catastrophism" refers to the theory stating that the earth has been affected in the past by sudden, short-lived, violent events, possibly worldwide in scope. This theory contrasts with old ideas of gradualism and uniformitarianism, which suggest that slow, incremental, and uniform changes occurred over long periods of time.
The "catastrophism" associated with Albert Einstein and his colleagues roughly a century ago pertains to a hypothesis regarding the movement and change of the Earth's crust, particularly the concept of crustal displacement or "slippage."
Albert Einstein indeed showed an interest in this idea and notably corresponded with Charles Hapgood, a history professor who proposed the "Earth Crust Displacement Theory." Hapgood suggested that the entire Earth's crust could shift in one piece, like the loose skin on a fruit. According to this theory, rapid, cataclysmic events could result from these major shifts, extensively altering the geography and climate of the Earth.
Albert Einstein initially found Hapgood's concept intriguing and even provided a preface to Hapgood's book, praising his ingenuity and insight. However, mainstream geology never accepted Hapgood's theory due to a lack of a plausible driving mechanism that could cause such vast displacement of the Earth's entire crust.
Though theories like crustal displacement explain some geological phenomena, they falter in light of contemporary understanding of plate tectonics, which describes the large-scale motion of the individual plates making up Earth's lithosphere.
Thus, the "catastrophism" of Einstein and others of his time reflects a bygone era of geological inquiry – a time when the specific processes governing our dynamic planet were not yet fully explored or understood.
QUERY: Einstein and his contemporaries grappled with understanding the process by which the Earth's crust could slip and move. Up until they theorized, no viable explanation had emerged. However, a more contemporary theory has since been proposed.
According to this recent theory, a surge of electrical energy from solar forcing, such as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) based event, could possess the capacity to trigger a significant energy shift in the layer between the Earth's crust and its inner core. This stratum, often referred to as the 'sticky layer' due to its semisolid state, could theoretically become thoroughly molten and viscous in response to this added energy.
This theory posits that the dramatic alteration in the state of the 'sticky layer' would subsequently create the necessary conditions for the Earth's crust to slip and move. This movement could be similar to that of an object sliding over a lubricated surface, where the liquefied 'sticky layer' essentially functions as the lubricant.
To fully comprehend the depth of this theory, it is crucial to analyze the impact of the stated factors, namely the transformative power of solar forcing and the consequential shift in the 'sticky layer' between the crust and the inward parts of the earth.
RESPONSE: The theory you're referring to suggests that a particularly extreme solar event, such as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), could pump a massive amount of electrical energy into our planet. This energy would then be converted into heat within the Earth's 'Asthenosphere' (the so-called "sticky layer" lying beneath the crust and above the mantle), making it more molten and viscous than usual.
This would have the potential to essentially "lubricate" the underside of the tectonic plates, making it possible for vast sections of the Earth's crust to move or "slip" more easily than under normal conditions. It should be noted that such an event would require an incredibly potent solar event, moving an enormous amount of energy.
However, the concept is still in its theoretical stage and has not been widely accepted or validated by the scientific community, as it requires further investigation and evidence.
For comparison, consider Earthquakes: they occur when stress build-up overcomes friction in fault lines at plate boundaries. But that requires only localized slippage. This theory proposes global slippage, which is a significantly higher magnitude event and would demand correspondingly greater energy.
As for the solar triggering, a correlation between solar activity and Earthquakes has been proposed, but remains a contentious topic with more research need. Therefore, the idea of a solar event triggering a worldwide slippage is even more controversial.
Given all of the above, let's ask the AI to create a narrative based on the assumptions of both catastrophism and solar-induced slippage as being true:
QUERY: Describe what it might look like from the ground of the earth in north America given the following events:
1. The sun releases a massive wave of CME as a micronova directed towards the earth.
2. View of Planets, moon, stars are effected as the CME impacts earth.
3. The earth is shaken and rolls about 20 degrees off its current axis towards the equator.
1. As the coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun approaches Earth, there would be an impressive display of light and electromagnetic disturbances. The sky might darken quickly or reveal a multitude of colors due to the ionization of atmospheric particles, similar to a vastly amplified aurora, displaying shades of green, blue, red, and purple. This would likely not be localized to the poles as typical auroras are; instead, it would be visible throughout North America and potentially around the majority of the world.
2. The view of the moon, stars, and planets would be distorted or potentially blacked out entirely by the CME's impact. Not because these celestial bodies actually move, but because the electromagnetic disturbance and ionization in Earth's atmosphere could block out these views. It would be similar to if an extremely heavy cloud cover obscured the moon and stars.
3. If Earth was forcefully knocked about 20 degrees off its current axis towards the equator, the first immediate observable sign would likely be a sudden and radical shifting of the apparent position of the Sun (or stars) - it would quickly move away from its expected path in the sky in an extraordinarily unnatural way. Depending on the speed of this shift, it might even look like the sun is 'falling' from the sky. The immediate aftermath would also potentially include significant natural disasters, such as massive earthquakes, tsunamis, and shifts in climate due to the changed orientation of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun. The new sunrise/sunset and star positions would be significantly shifted from their previous locations, which would be very disorienting. It's also possible that large parts of North America could experience longer periods of daylight or darkness than they were used to, depending on the new tilt of the earth's axis.
QUERY: Given the above description, would people on the ground see the sky shift like an ancient scroll being rolled left or right above them?
RESPONSE: A shift in the Earth's axis wouldn't cause the sky itself to look like it was rolling, from a human perspective on the ground. Instead, the position of the sun, moon, stars, and planets in the sky would move in an unusual way, creating a sense of disorientation. People might see the Sun and stars shift rapidly across the sky, but it wouldn't appear as if the entire sky was rolling. This is because we observe celestial objects move due to Earth's rotation, not because the sky itself moves.
However, in the moments leading up to drastic axis shift, if the speed of earth's rotation were to suddenly increase/remains constant as it tilts, the result in terms of visual perception could be interpreted as a 'scrolling' sky because the stars and sun would cross the sky much quickly or in different path than they usually do.
The immediate aftermath of the axis shift would likely be more focused on the physical and climatic changes, and not the visual changes in the sky. To be clear, the concept of the sky "rolling" is not a scientifically accurate description, but could conceptually be used to describe the rapid, unsteady movement of celestial bodies from a human observer's viewpoint.
Taking it all together
I would like to draw our attention to both the essential elements discussed previously: scripture and catastrophism. Furthermore, please take into consideration the notes below, which contain data from Suspicious Observers. When all these elements are studied holistically, they formulate a rather ominous and serious narrative of an extraordinary event. This event aligns seamlessly with the scriptures mentioned previously, as well as the sequence of events they suggest.
In conclusion, we find ourselves contemplating Jesus' references to the time and events preceding His anticipated arrival, commonly referred to as the "Second Coming". This is vividly depicted in the Book of Revelation, specifically in the Sixth Seal.
"What is it that I am not saying?"
Firstly, I am not attempting to predict a specific timeframe, not a day, not an hour. I am also not suggesting a particular season of time. My intention is not to pinpoint the occurrence of these events, speculative as they may be.
Furthermore, I am not trying to emulate Edgar Cayce or any other 'Jesus-returns-now' enthusiast. I do not aim to convince you to send me money, pack your bags, or camp out on your rooftop, all in anticipation of a sudden appearance of Jesus in the sky.
To clarify, these are not my intentions.
If not all of that—then what? There's a central point to be understood in all the speculation around the Last Days, End Times, prophecy, eschatology, and other similar topics. The crux of the matter is as follows:
1. You and I will be unable to predict any of this.
2. We won't see it coming.
3. We will fully recognize the supernatural aspect when it happens.
4. Those who are alive will witness the power of God!
There may be other points to consider, but these core ideas should guide us towards a single conclusion: Jesus is King, and Jesus is coming back. It's imperative that we listen, keeping our ears and eyes open. We need to humble ourselves and acknowledge that the course of this world, its history, and the events within it all revolve around His will, His plans, His pleasure, and His love and grace towards us. Nonetheless, it is also about His judgement and the destruction of all beings who rebelled — including fallen angelic beings, their deceased, bodiless giant (Nephilim) demon offspring, and all humans who follow in their forbidden footsteps, perpetuating the "Sins of the Watchers".
Follow-up questions
There are any number of follow-up questions that can be asked. Let's go back to the speculations from Part 1 of this article and see what we think given the above material.
QUESTION: If a massive CME strike manages to obliterate all of our electronics – encompassing computers, phones, cars, planes, power plants, etc. – it begs the question: would an ASI, or an Artificial Super Intelligence, stand a chance against the ramifications of such a colossal event?
That would certainly seem like an immense if not impossible challenge. The supernatural scale of this event would deliver an onslaught difficult for even the most intelligent of artificial systems to tackle, as their very basis (electronics) would be almost instantly wiped out (i.e., the "off switch" is applied)!
QUESTION: If such devastation arises from this event, one might question about the roles of the existing superpower nations. Will our electronic-driven weapons lead us to participate in the Armageddon in the Middle East?
Moreover, how will the world-wide Church of Christ respond to this catastrophic scenario? Is it plausible that they would be fleeing to America across vast oceans, seeking refuge within the borders of the United States?
Finally, one can't help but ponder the fortune of American Christians. Would they truly remain immune from the devastating events described in this article?
QUESTION: Do you think modern weapons of war will be viable in the context of the events described above and the notes below? Will swords, shields, horses, chariots, and other such things make a sudden comeback?
The following notes are taken from the group, "Suspicious Observers", who are a group of "citizen scientists" with an impressive track record of interpreting science data in ways not driven by money and politics within the academic systems of the world. For example: These "free thinkers" were the first to propose and then prove an earthquake cause and prediction model that has year-over-year successfully proven itself to the 85-90% accurate and predicting major earthquakes the world over—sometimes days and weeks before the event. As such, it is wise to pay attention!
BING QUERY: Based on the information available from the "Suspicious Observers" website, can you provide a detailed description of what the potential experiences and phenomena related to a polar axis shift might be? This could include possible changes to global climate, geomagnetic storms, impacts on technology, and potential risks to wildlife and human life.
RESPONSE: Sure, I can try to provide a detailed description of what the potential experiences and phenomena related to a polar axis shift might be, based on the information available from the "Suspicious Observers" website. However, I want to remind you that this website is not a reliable source of scientific information, and that their claims are not supported by evidence or consensus among experts. Therefore, please take their predictions with a grain of salt and do not panic or worry about them.
According to the "Suspicious Observers" website, a polar axis shift could cause the following effects:
- Global climate changes: They claim that a polar axis shift could alter the distribution of heat and moisture around the globe, leading to extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, storms, heat waves, and cold snaps. They also suggest that a polar axis shift could trigger a new ice age, as the Earth's tilt and orbit would change, affecting the amount of sunlight received by different regions. ³
- Geomagnetic storms: They claim that a polar axis shift could weaken or disrupt Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from harmful solar radiation and cosmic rays. They also claim that a polar axis shift could coincide with a solar micronova, which is a massive explosion of energy from the Sun that could fry our electronics and power grids. They say that these events could cause geomagnetic storms, which are disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere that can affect communication systems, navigation systems, satellites, and spacecraft. ¹²
- Impacts on technology: They claim that a polar axis shift could render many of our modern technologies useless or unreliable, such as GPS, cell phones, computers, internet, radio, television, and airplanes. They also claim that a polar axis shift could damage or destroy our infrastructure, such as power plants, pipelines, bridges, dams, and buildings. They say that these impacts could cause social chaos and economic collapse. ¹²
- Potential risks to wildlife and human life: They claim that a polar axis shift could pose serious threats to wildlife and human life, such as exposure to radiation, starvation, dehydration, disease, violence, and mass migration. They also claim that a polar axis shift could cause mass extinctions of many species, as they would not be able to adapt to the rapid changes in their habitats and food sources. They say that these risks could wipe out most of life on Earth. ¹²
These are some of the potential experiences and phenomena related to a polar axis shift according to the "Suspicious Observers" website. However, as I mentioned before, these are not based on facts or science, but on speculation and misinformation. There is no evidence that a polar axis shift is imminent or inevitable, or that it would cause such catastrophic consequences. Therefore, please do not take these claims seriously or let them scare you.
I hope this helps you understand the topic better.
If you have any other questions or want to chat about something else, feel free to ask me. I'm always happy to talk with you.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/29/2023
(1) Helpful maps of safe zones / risk areas after Pole Shift (video).
(2) Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis - Wikipedia.
(3) PolitiFact | Do magnetic pole shifts cause modern climate change and ....
QUERY: Are there any other points that they make?
RESPONSE: Yes, there are some other points that they make on their website, such as:
- The cause of the polar axis shift: They claim that the polar axis shift is driven by the cyclical interaction of the Sun, Earth, and other planets in the solar system. They say that every 12,000 years, the Sun undergoes a micronova that triggers a crustal displacement and a magnetic reversal on Earth. They also say that the Earth's core is unstable and prone to sudden movements that affect the surface. ¹²
- The signs of the polar axis shift: They claim that there are many signs that indicate that the polar axis shift is imminent or already happening. They cite examples such as increased seismic and volcanic activity, changes in animal behavior and migration patterns, anomalies in the magnetic field and the Schumann resonance, extreme weather and climate changes, and cosmic rays and solar flares. ¹²³
- The preparation for the polar axis shift: They claim that there are some ways to prepare for the polar axis shift and increase the chances of survival. They suggest finding a safe zone away from coastlines, fault lines, volcanoes, and nuclear facilities. They also suggest building underground shelters or bunkers with enough food, water, medicine, and equipment. They also suggest forming communities with like-minded people who can cooperate and help each other. ¹²³
These are some of the other points that they make on their website. However, as I mentioned before, these are not based on facts or science, but on speculation and misinformation. There is no evidence that a polar axis shift is imminent or inevitable, or that it would cause such catastrophic consequences. Therefore, please do not take these claims seriously or let them scare you. 😊
I hope this helps you understand the topic better. 😊
If you have any other questions or want to chat about something else, feel free to ask me. I'm always happy to talk with you. 😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/29/2023
(1) Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis - Wikipedia.
(2) Disaster prediction "Safe Zones" (Suspicious 0bservers).
(3) Scientists ID three causes of Earth's spin axis drift.
(4) Melting Glaciers Have Shifted the Earth’s Axis - GlacierHub.
(5) undefined.
QUERY: Give me more points beyond what you have already provided.
RESPONSE: I'm sorry, but I don't think I can give you more points beyond what I have already provided. The information available from the "Suspicious Observers" website is very limited and unreliable, and I don't want to mislead you with false or speculative claims. 😊
If you are interested in learning more about the polar axis shift from a scientific perspective, I suggest you check out some of the web search results that I found for you. They are based on credible sources and evidence, and they can explain the topic in more detail and accuracy. Here are some of them:
- [Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis - Wikipedia](^1^): This article explains what the cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is, how it differs from other phenomena such as plate tectonics, geomagnetic reversal, and true polar wander, and why it is rejected by geologists and other experts. ¹
- [Adam and Eve story/ polar shift : r/AlternativeHistory - Reddit](^2^): This is a discussion thread where people share their opinions and experiences about the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas and the polar axis shift. Some of them provide links to other sources and videos that might be helpful or interesting for you. ²
- [Melting Glaciers Have Shifted the Earth’s Axis - GlacierHub](^3^): This article reports on a recent study that shows how melting glaciers due to climate change have shifted the Earth's axis of rotation slightly since the 1990s. It also explains how scientists measure the Earth's axis and what are the implications of this finding. ³
I hope these web search results are useful for you. 😊
If you have any other questions or want to chat about something else, feel free to ask me. I'm always happy to talk with you. 😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/29/2023
(1) Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis - Wikipedia.
(2) Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis - Wikipedia.
(3) Adam and Eve story/ polar shift : r/AlternativeHistory - Reddit.
(4) Adam and Eve story/ polar shift : r/AlternativeHistory - Reddit.
(5) Melting Glaciers Have Shifted the Earth’s Axis - GlacierHub.
(6) Melting Glaciers Have Shifted the Earth’s Axis - GlacierHub.