In a paper remarked on by Dr. Michael Heiser and written by Amar Annus in 2010, the author makes a remarkable statement:
Except for Gilgamesh and Enkidu, there are no data concerning profuse sexual activities of primeval human figures in the Mesopotamian literature.
In other words, in Mesopotamian literature, there are no other stories of sexual misconduct before the arrival of the Watchers during the time of Jared (fifth from Adam). This bolsters the observation that the first mention of sexual deviance in scripture is Genesis 6. Even then, the lust leading to and then the acting out in the first steps of the misconduct are completely laid at the feet of the Watchers!
Watchers led the way!
This is a point not to be taken lightly as it is this very pathway of lust to a debased mind and to the eventual acting out that Paul points to in Romans chapter 1. It is also the reason that Dr. Heiser calls God's divorce of humanity as a Romans 1 moment. Why? Because Romans chapter 1 is pointing directly at the deviant defilement antics of the fallen sons of God Watcher rebellion (Genesis 6), and the impact of that on humanity, resulting in God gave them up as His own at the Tower of Babel rebellion. The weight of condemnation is not being removed from humanity, but in fairness—the scales and balances of justice are highly weighted towards these rebellious divine beings and humans who willfully follow them.
It is this very step-wise downward staircase where the first step into hell is taken by and in sexual lust (Romans 1:24). Every following action (Romans 1:26) then leads to the lower steps and all forms of sin (Romans 1:28), uncleanness (unholy mixture), and defilement. While men followed a different path in rebellion (Genesis 3), the sons of God Watchers took the worst route of all in the eyes of the God who made them. And these beings were not content to take themselves down alone, but used and victimized God's human family in their rebellion, spreading the deep sin of the Watchers into vulnerable humanity. When one then starts to empathize with God over how the demise happened, and who is at fault for what, then one can begin to understand the raw heat of His anger and wrath for each one in the matter.
While a lake of fire for humanity will undoubtedly be an unspeakable and unthinkable horror, for these divine beings and the spirits of their demon disembodied Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim children—the lake of fire of the Wrath of God will be magnitudes worse. I cannot even comprehend what must be in store for those by the Wrath of God towards them for what they have done. Judgment will not be pretty, petty, light, or casual—but severe!
Given this thought—such things ought to tell us as people (Christians and non-believers alike) precisely what God thinks of those who give themselves to alliances with the thinking, actions, and also support of these creatures of darkness. This is the very point of Romans chapter 1, which is pointing at those people divorced from God by God at the Tower of Babel. Such is the raw power and warning of this message and story that is the atomic bomb of the gospel against the very Gates of Hell.
Therefore—if you are an apostle, prophet, evangelist, preacher, or teachers of the Gospel of Christ and you are either unaware of this message or you are not using it to confront the gods as you go—attempting to rescue lost souls—then you are that proverbial person showing up with a knife to a gunfight. Your pea-shooter means nothing to the rulers of the darkness or their demons. What they truly fear is when (and if) the current Church will rise up like the early church and bring this atom bomb to their gun fight! The telling of the story of their sin and their demise at the hands of God is what they fear the most.
What weapon of spiritual warfare are you carrying? What's in your holster and arsenal? The Cross of Christ explodes in the raw power of God when you start to realize that Jesus is not just saving humanity, but is taking all of it back! Everything that darkness stole, everything they did, and by every means—Jesus Christ has confronted it already in the heavenlies and we are His imagers that He left here on earth.
I think it is high time for the church to lock-and-load and go rescue souls from the nations!