Setting the Stage
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Let's ask a very core question: If spirits from the unseen realm are either not real or they do not influence of affect human beings (including ourselves), then why would Paul be concerned with not being ignorant of Satan's devices? Why would it matter? Wouldn't it be a simple (or erroneous) matter of psychology and biology? Once again—we must make a choice to be open to the supernatural or to utterly close it off—that is—it is not reasonable to be selectively supernatural.
Consider the following (non-exhaustive) list of potential Satanic "devices":
1. Lust of the flesh
2. Pride
3. Blasphemy
4. Witchcraft and sorcery
5. Idolatry
6. Rebellion
7. Temptation
8. Deception
9. False doctrines and lies
10. Perversion
11. Divination
12. Unbelief and doubt
Now—keep this list in mind and consider that these malevolent spirits operating from the unseen realm by unseen means are the very ones who have been at work since Genesis 6. Moreover, consider the follow (non-exhaustive) list of the sins of the Watchers (and their demon offspring):
The Sins of the Watchers
• Worshiping False Gods (idolatry)
• Immoral Sexual Acts (incest, bestiality, homosexuality)
• Seeking Forbidden Knowledge (from heaven to earth)
• Speaking Falsehoods (lies and lying)
• Showing Disrespect (to those due it, especially God)
• Disobeying Authority Figures (parents, authorities set by God, especially God)
• Refusing to Follow Societal Guidelines (as set at creation)
• Disobeying the Law (as set by God in heaven, their home)
• Encouraging Others to Disobey the Law
• Practicing Witchcraft (spells, incantations, et al)
• Taking Lives Illegally (murder)
• Cannibalism (divine/demigod of human or human of human)
• Promoting/Performing Abortions
• Prostitution
• Stealing
• Aggression (violence)
• Acts of Lechery¹
• Bragging About Deeds of Darkness
• Engaging in Gambling Activity
• Impersonation (divine to human)
• Engaging in Interracial (divine/human) Relationships
¹ Lechery is a term that refers to lewd or salacious behavior. It can describe a person who frequently engages in immoral sexual activity or remarks of a sexual nature.
Carefully note how the devices found in the first list track very close to the sins of the Watchers (fallen sons of God) and their demon disembodied offspring (i.e., dead giants). These spiritual beings have located and have been exploiting the weakness of human flesh for thousands of years. They have become very good at it (i.e., they are not idiots—untrained, but specialists at the art of sin and deception).
Linkage and Being Fair
The raw power of the first century church was a combination of factors—not the least of which was the Spirit of Christ living in them and them in Christ through His work at the Cross, coupled with the power of the resurrection, both applied to Christ and promised to us. Part of their scriptural and worldview foundation was the Old Testament coupled with the teachings of the Lord combined with the backstory of the sins of the Watchers and the reality of that history.
The far more glorious part of that story then and now is that the fallen Watchers and their disembodied demons operating from the unseen realm were and are stripped of all of their power and authority in the heavens where God dwells. Moreover—as the born-again imagers of Christ, we were and are now the vanguard spiritual army that was and is and will be storming the very Gates of Hell to take back the human beings locked in spiritual bondage.
It is this factual history that gives us a powerful window into what God is doing, what He has done, and what His goals and aims are. It also reveals our place in the battle. We are the very replacements for those fallen divine beings. This is not because of anything we have done, but because of the very work of Jesus Christ and that work being applied to us. No man can or will ever boast, but we will boast in the Lord and His work!
Are we sinners? Yes, we are. Does that mean that humanity has built this house of earthly sin alone? No, we have not. Humanity is both perpetrator and victim. God is fair and just. He knows precisely where to place and how much blame to place on whom and for what. The fallen Watchers and their disembodied ex-giant demons have no place to accuse us when they—themselves—took raw advantage of us, using our blindness against us and causing us to sin far more deeply than we might otherwise have done. It is the understanding of this source of sin and relationship of blind vulnerability that ought to result in a holy anger rising in us of our former masters.
Realignment of Loyalties
The message of the Gospel has been missing this critical component of the sins and devices of the Watchers for more than 1,600 years! Until one understands the part that the Watchers have played (and continue to play) in the sins of humanity (even our very own), the devil will come across as hardly more than an impetuous imp, where we carry the greatest load of blame. This is simply not true.
Am I saying that "the devil made me do it"? Not at all. God forbids it. We all have our choices, consequences, and blame. However, with that stated—demonic forces of darkness are not blameless and unaccountable. God sees what they have done and what they continue to do to this very moment and beyond. We need to see it as well.
In every human courtroom, when the perpetrator of a heinous crime is caught and tried, the victims and the righteous prosecutors as well as the judge all feel the hot rage of wrath against the criminal. This is especially true when the victim is among the most vulnerable of all—the elderly, women, and children most of all (i.e., especially the unborn). Once you see the fallen Watchers and the powers of darkness in this light given their history, your anger ought to ignite and your loyalties shift fully to God. From there you will soon know in your gut that as hot as your anger is, it cannot be compared to that of the Wrath of God against the darkness.
The New Testament Link
Finally—we are ready to take the notions above and apply them to what we find in New Testament scripture like First and Second Corinthians such as quoted at the start of this blog post. Read 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 2:1-11.
In the first case (1 Cor 5:1-5) we find Paul excoriating the church for being approving and prideful of a young man's sexually immoral behavior with his own mother or step-mother. Paul gives a call to remove the man from fellowship with the church for a time to deliver his flesh to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, with a goal of the saving of his spirit in the Day of the Lord (yet to come).
Paul's follow-up (2 Cor 2:1-11) has several noteworthy matters to keep in mind.
First—Paul states in verse 9 his reason for the exhorting to kick the brother out in his first letter—a loyalty test.
For this is why I wrote, that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything.
This helps us hammer home the overall purpose of God in this age (from the beginning until the end of the Day of the Lord)—Loyalty! This is especially highlighted in light of the primary sin of the Watchers—lust and the resulting sexually immoral actions.
Yet—the purpose of the loyalty test is not found in simply beating the sheep into submission, but love. What rings heavy in Paul's words is his pain at their pain and his relief at knowing their loyalty and ultimate acts of forgiveness, which implies the ultimate successful outcome of repentance on the part of both the man and the church overall. Therefore, Paul laments the need to take the harsh action and now gives a solid call to pull back and turn to building each other up in Christ in the love and unity of the Spirit of Christ in them all.
What ought not to be missed in all of this is the power of the role of story of the fallen Watchers. Paul's use of this history, story, present reality, and ultimate outcome (Day of the Lord) is stunning when one puts it all together. The story becomes indispensable to the preaching and teaching of the Gospel.
What is also hard to miss is how this story of the sins of the Watchers is missing from the Church for the last 1,600 years. What more—and more devious—is just how happy the powers of darkness are for men carrying all of the load of sin alone on their own backs for all those years. Literally—the devil and his hordes have had a free hall pass in the school of sin for sixteen centuries! That time is now at an end!
Bring back Enochian Theology
As the gods return in our age with the sins of the Watchers literally leading the way—it is time for the Church of Jesus Christ to retool and rearm itself for the warfare all around us, which is growing stronger each day. The enemy of the church is not the homosexual or transgender. The enemy of the church is the homosexual and sexual deviant spirit behind people living in and supporting of sexual deviance.
DO NOT BE LATE to the party! Learn this material now. The time to learn the material is NOT when you finally wake up and are forced to need it to defend the faith, rescue people, and make disciples! START NOW!