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How far down the supernatural highway are you willing to go?

Posted by Admin on January 6th, 2024

In the video linked above, Brother Coleman Luck shares some unsettling encounters involving "Black eyed children", which are clearly of a highly demonic nature. However, it's important to remember that the supernatural is not solely confined to the demonic realm. God, in His very essence, is the epitome of the supernatural. In fact, there is nothing ordinary or mundane about God except for the fact that He made the choice to take on human form, manifesting Himself in a natural body, just like ours.

Specifically, when it comes to God, how far are you willing to go with regards to the supernatural? Are you selectively supernatural? Do you get to a place on the supernatural highway and start looking for an exit? Is it okay to believe in a totally supernatural God, but to start looking for the exits when the gift of speaking in tongues becomes the topic? What about supernatural healing? Deliverance from demons and demon possession? What about disease being a demonic attack? Have you ever prayed for someone with blindness? Have you prayed to raise a dead person? What about a deaf ear or other disease? Just how far does your supernatural highway go and where is your last exit of belief and reality?

Let's ask this another way: Did the disciples (and later apostles) demonstrate any limits when it came to the matters of the supernatural? Did they draw limits like—"Well, Jesus raised folks from the dead, but that was for Jesus' time, not us! We don't need that any more."

There is a distinct reason that I linked the video above. It has to do with the next fifty or so years that we are headed into. If one is paying attention (I hope you are), the intrusion of demonic supernatural power is going to start growing and manifesting among humanity. How that will look precisely is not clear. However, one thing is critically clear: Demonic dark beings are going to work and perform powerful acts—miracles by the standards of some—in order to trick and fool the foolish into believing they are "the christ". Jesus said that it would be so convincing that even the very elect might be swayed.

Such thoughts cause me to start asking questions: Where is the supernatural church that will be the standard raised against the dark hordes of angels of light as they pour in from the unseen realms to deceive humanity to their destruction? Will Muslims have what it takes to resist? Will the Buddhists? How about the Taoists? Christians, anyone? Of what mind do Christians need to be to withstand a highly practiced former god who presents as an angel of light?

At what point do you become so uncomfortable with the supernatural that you draw back in unbelief? What fear motivates you? What friends are you afraid of losing over such things? Will you also join in on the deceit because the same fear that prevents you suddenly grips you, coaxing you into the deceptive lies of a literal god standing in front of you one day?

And what happens if you do not live long enough to see such things, but your children or grandchildren do? What will you be telling them over the remaining years of your life that will help them and spare them the deceptions that Jesus promises are on the way? Will you simply pass along your supernatural limits to them and play your part in their deception and destruction? How wonderfully caring and loving!

If we are going to be like the first century church, we are going to have to reacquire the supernatural stance of our fathers in Christ. The supernatural power of the Kingdom of Jesus, the Christ and King of all is nothing but supernatural all the time. Those who represent him need to be as well. It is the Lord who offers us his power in order to use it to demonstrate his love, care, and capacity to save. Without it, we are just pretenders who are avoiding his power because we are frightened that we will be scorned, shunned, laughed at, mocked, persecuted, or made out to be one of the kooks and weirdos.

I would rather be shunned, mocked, and persecuted for Jesus than to be liked, accepted, and join with the world.