Hostage Rescue

The good guys rescue the victims being held by the bad guys.

Posted by Admin on July 11th, 2023

Most people love a hero. They are the person willing to risk their own life to rescue innocent victims from the clutches of evil. This is a type of story we already know very well. Yet, there is a hostage story many of us do not know unless someone tells it to us—that is—reveals it. My most heartfelt desire is for all people to know this hostage and rescue story.

Forming up the truth

The most critical thing to understand about these hostage takers is how they mentally lure their hostages into siding with them. They use their power of persuasion to convince their hostages that they are the good guys. In modern times, we have come to call this the Stockholm Syndrome, where the term was coined after a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1973. Four hostages later defended their captors and refused to testify against them. It is a psychological response that occurs when a captive develops a bond with their captor as a way of coping with the situation.

This is where the truth must begin. The only hope the hostages have is for them to see themselves as they are and the truth of their captors. They have a need to understand that those they think of as good guys and benefactors, are actually working for their destruction. The hostages must also see the truth of their vulnerability and how it has been used against them to trick them into loyalty to those who want them to be destroyed.

What is even more damning about the truth is when the hostages finally see that those who hold them hostage are themselves going to be destroyed for the very same reasons. Moreover, these evil bad guys led the way into wrong-doing. They were the first and the result of their wrong is their destruction. It's already promised. The sentence has already been passed, and their final judgment is just ahead.

So, the mission of the hostage takers is two fold: Use the blindness and vulnerabilities of the victims to convince them that they are good and their wrong-doing as good and then lure the victims into the same wrong-doing so that they and their victims will be judged, sentenced, and destroyed together.

This is true hatefulness. Perpetrators who know they are already condemned to die, but who trick their victims into believing they are good, hiding their own sentence and approaching judgment, and then grooming and luring their victims into the very same evil ways. All the while knowing their victims will be judged, sentenced, and destroyed along with themselves. This is perhaps the most evil treachery of all.

Framing an example

The evil of Nazi Germany stands as a heinous example. The leadership of the Nazi's (starting with Hitler) spun their evil as good. Millions of Germans followed the emotional Pied Piper that cost hundreds of thousands of lives in battle and millions of lives in death camps. Common German people were lured, bullied, lied to, threatened, and bribed into looking the other way and turning a blind eye as they waved Nazi flags, held rallies, and otherwise cheered the whole thing on.

It is difficult for Western minds to comprehend how common and average Germans of the 1930s not only stood by the horrors of that time, but facilitated them—either directly or indirectly. They literally fed and watered the evil monster as they worked in the factories, ran the shops, grew the gardens and food.

The victimized German people mined the ores, did the research, and provided the infrastructure used by evil men who told convincing lies—portraying themselves as friends and good. What we in the west see as pure evil, they not only tolerated, but supported. Why? Because of believable lies that took advantage of their innate vulnerabilities! It is easy for us to condemn them, but hard for us to walk in their shoes—but—perhaps we do!

We believe ourselves to be better than they. We don't want to consider that we are just as human as they with precisely the same vulnerabilities, blindness, and weaknesses. This must give us pause to ask: If the German people could fall for obvious lies, what makes us think we do not share those same weaknesses for even deeper lies?

Meanwhile—back to the story

We started this article talking about hostages and hostage takers. We added the notions of our vulnerability to lies taken advantage of by sly and crafty captors. This is the moment where it is time to start asking questions—deep and penetrating questions.

Pretend that you are that lying and crafty hostage taker bent on getting people to not only side with you, but join you in your wrong-doing. Now—expand your mind.

What if you didn't live just seventy to ninety years? What if you knew that you would live through hundreds of generations—perhaps thousands of years? And what if you could hide yourself from your victims in an unseen realm, manipulating them in a ways where they believed that the thoughts you seeded in them were actually their own?

What if you realized the criticality of hiding the evidence of your existence? What if over thousands of years you became an expert in erasing evidence of yourself from your victims? What if you had some of your victims in league with you, helping you to quash and obfuscate the evidence of your evils?

The ultimate loyalty test

What if—as this lying and crafty bad guy—you knew that the ultimate law enforcers—good guys—were not only watching your every move, but had already determined that you (and those siding with you) would be ultimately judged and destroyed? Moreover—what if you knew that the reason you were not being immediately judged and destroyed by the good guys is because they were using you to determine the loyalties of your victims—either for or against them?

What if you were so hateful of the good guys (even knowing your own destruction was coming) that it led you to solidifying the disloyalties of your victims, and to a delusional plan to having your recruited victims fight for and with you—believing in your delusions? What if you were so insane that you thought you and your victim army could win against the law enforcers, thereby avoiding judgment and destruction? What would all of that look like?

There is a lot of detail to this tangled story, web of lies, and intrigues. When one starts asking questions like the ones above, the story quickly becomes insidious, evil, and choked with lies. For the actual and real victims of this story—the dangers are stunningly real. Remember, in our scenario, the perpetrators live for thousands of years. Their victims are short-lived across many generations—spanning time, empires, rulers, and nations of billions of common men, each as a hapless victim. Yet, this is only the beginning!

Taking it all in

Think about the scenario. Thousands of years ago, these age bad guys were the Nazi's of that time (and they still are). They openly abused their victims with violence. Every crime they lured their victims into were crimes they committed first. Moreover—over the generations they hid their own past and their crimes. As they lured their victims, they wanted them to think everything was their fault or better yet—that the wrong-doing was not wrong at all—but good and right. This is the worst lie of all.

Remember—the same higher law enforcement good guys know the crimes of our bad guys—seeing both their crimes of violence and lies against their victims, but they also desire that their victims become active supporters and perpetrators together with them. Thus—the victim changes and stops being simply a victim, joining the bad guys, adopting their thinking, their reasoning, and their tactics and their goals. Thereby, cementing their own judgment and destruction along with the perpetrators against them.

What hope?

What is the hope of the victim?

The higher good guys are not idle. They are actively looking for victims who are bothered by their evil. In fact, they want victims who will blindly support and defend them; blind to the practiced processes of their captors. They don't know the mental games and lures, but something about it doesn't sit well inside them. These are those that the law enforcement agents are looking for—like Morpheus and Trinity looking for the Neo's and then fighting to rescue them and show them the Matrix of their captors.

You might notice and rightfully conclude that those nearer to the top and most vulnerable to the lures of false promises are the least likely to turn. The vast majority of those who can be rescued are at the bottom of the Matrix—furthest from the offices of power. They are the ignorant pawns.

Within the Matrix of lies and hiding bad guys are the people who are suffering deeply from the Stockholm Syndrome. They have become convinced that the lies are right. They are the unwitting Nazi supporters, willing to turn, attack, and use violence to keep others in line. These people are not at the top, but are bought-in as they unwittingly side with those at the top. Some might even see it, but are emotionally captured into believing and lusting after the promises of power and reward—but they are not the majority.

The majority are the fooled and lied to lemmings. They are what the some during the Cold War called "useful idiots"—a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause—particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source—without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically being used by higher leaders. Yet—it is these very victims that the ultimate good guys are sifting for. Those who will—like Neo—turn, look, seek, and find the truth of their own victimization and the reality of the true bad guys against them. The good guys know that winning the trust of the victims will not happen easily or quickly!

Extraction from the Matrix

The good guys know that the initial encounter will not be the end of the matter. Trust must be worked for. It is not easily given, especially by those who have been long term brainwashed and lied to and trusting of those wanting them destroyed. It takes time to unwire the lies. Truth and honest love and care the best and only weapons the good guys have, especially in the light of the free-will of the victims.

Remember—our multigenerational bad guys not only hide and cloak themselves in the Matrix, but they work overtime at obfuscating and hiding any evidence of their evils—distant past or recent. What the good guys have as truth is the story.

Yes—there are evidences that cannot be erased, but the bad guys have also worked overtime to discredit those evidences. The struggle of the good guys to gain the trust of the brainwashed victims is not easy and not quick. Yet, on a rare occasion a victim will relent, add the parts, connect the dots, and quickly arrive at the truth. In that case, there is an explosion of revulsion against those that held the victim captive. Loyalty is instantly won!

However—for the majority, the road out of the Matrix is more complicated. The lies are deeply held. The victims want to justify or to make their captors less evil than they are or question that they even exist. 

The victim might have an inward emotional and physical attachment and addiction to the lies and the actions stemming from them. The answer for this person is a stronger dose of care, love, and clarity—the truth of his victimization and the question of where he places his loyalties. Bad or good? One ends in judgment and destruction. The other exonerates to living in freedom.

Laying it all on the table

The good guy is God—Father, Son, and Spirit. Working under God are those good guy angelic hosts who have remained loyal throughout history from the beginning. The bad guys are those who rebelled in disloyalty. The Old Testament calls them gods and fallen Watchers. Moreover, the evils they committed resulted in hybrid beings—part divine and part human. The scripture and other ancient texts refer to them as giants or ancient heroes and men of renown.

It is God who has pronounced their ultimate judgment and destruction. Some of whom were placed into chains and darkness. Others remained free and is the source of our human history—calling them "gods". And when the giants died, releasing their unclean spirits, they became what we know today as demons and devils.

It is men—starting with Eve, then Adam—who became their both their victims and potential human members of an evil army. And while men fell and were damaged and hurt by our own choices, these fallen angelic beings and their hybrid bastard children (giants) took the way of sin and violence and amplified the sins of man by seduction, luring, and enticement. The bottom line remains—these creatures lured men into the wrong-doing that they started first and and sinned the worst. Blinded and victimized men followed.

Yes—men joined them. And from generation to generation, each new wave of humanity has lived as a victim of our human blindness and weakness to not only our own sin, but to that of the Watchers and their demon children. Within each generation of humanity, all have been lured in, but some took up full loyalty to these fallen Watchers, while others have operated as mere pawns. Either way—loyalties have been set either knowingly or in ignorance. Nevertheless—the result is the same: joining these fallen angelic creatures and demons in their judgment and destruction results in our own.

God is at work—Salvation has come!

Below, you will find a list of the sins of the Watchers and their giant children (now disembodied spirits we call demons). While each of us as humans are born into and with the fallen nature of Adam, it is the lure of these unseen realm creatures to lure us into their sins and ultimately to suffer their judgment and destruction. Remember, all of human history is about who is and is not loyal to God. That is what life is all about. Salvation has come in the middle of it all for human beings through Jesus Christ and faith in His work on our behalf.

Quite simply: We cannot save ourselves from the judgment and destruction that is coming. The fall of Eve and then Adam assured a state of sin for all of their children, including you and I. Outside of a Savior and Messiah, we humans have no hope!

Yet—Jesus Christ is that Savior and Messiah. He came as God in human flesh to redeem us from our sin-infested flesh and to be born anew in spirit first by His power because of the Cross, where He suffered and died. It is God who places us in Christ at the Cross, cuts away our sinful flesh, puts our sin on Himself, and then burns it to ashes in the fire of the Wrath of God that was poured out on our innocent Lamb: Jesus Christ!

Romans 6 (and other New Testament scriptures) tell us that we are then co-buried with and in Christ—buried together—and then our old spirit dies with Christ. The very Power of God that raised up Jesus then raises us up as a new spirit (i.e., "born again of the Spirit"), where we are joined with the Spirit of Christ and now live the rest of this life in this body, but not subject to it. Instead, we live by the Spirit of God in newness.

From this moment on—we are His! We now walk and live this life in a test of our loyalty to God empowered in that test by the very power of God in Christ who indwells us. We are not alone, but empowered by Christ in us. Our life is now lived in this way. Moreover—we are then both stewards of this body to subject it to Christ—standing against its lusts, passions, and pride.

Each temptation of demonic unseen realm forces will be to entice us into disloyalty to God by the very sins of the Watchers (see below). Using our flesh, demonic forces will fill our minds with thoughts and images, imaginations, and other enticements. They will use lustful urges in our flesh as well as threats of harm and death from without to gain our loyalty back. It is our place in Christ to refuse.

Our course forward will always be in utter dependency on Jesus Christ living within us by His Spirit and power. It is the scripture—Word of God—that will help us to see when and how we are being attacked and the proper and honest response that is in loyalty to Christ, our Savior and King.

As we grow in discipline to following after Jesus, some of us will be called to become a rescuer of other victims such as ourselves. The Spirit of God will guide, empower, call, and affirm our calling through both scripture and other believers. Nevertheless—we as former victims will be empowered to reach out to those around us who are currently blind victims of the same fallen gods and demons that once held us.

And this is the life that we are called to live from here and now until we either pass away to be the with Lord or that He returns bodily to the earth and we are caught up in new bodies to be with the Lord forever. Either way—whether in life or in death—the promise and hope we now live in is that our body will be changed and our born again spirit will find a forever home in a new forever body, built by the very hands of the power of God, Himself!

This is our hope and our sure promise in Christ Jesus! Stand on it. Live in it. Be empowered and strengthened in and by Christ Jesus our loving King, Master, and Friend!

The most heinous of all?

How do you know what to avoid? All forms of enticement of demonic forces are based on the weaknesses of our flesh. Such weaknesses are many. We are blind to the unseen realms around us. Our flesh is filled with lusts, passions, pride, anger, malice, and self-righteousness. The list of flaws and failure is huge.

Demons and forces of darkness, rulers, and principality gods and spirits will entice us into the same sins of their own enticement. Remember—they fell first and most. Also remember—they will attempt to trick you into taking full blame for sin. Yes—you have blame. We all do. However—God is true and just as a pure and righteous judge. He will not lay to your charge what belongs to another—including lying devils and fallen angelic beings.

The sins of the Watchers ...

We have talked about the sins of the Watchers and that of their demon children as both giants and disembodied spirits. What we have not yet defined is precisely what those sins were. It is now time to take up that task of definition.

The following list and enumerations are here so you can recognize what they did and what they want you to do to seal your destruction together with themselves. Read on with soberness and honesty before God and men. Your eternal future hangs in the balance and depends on how you respond. Choose wisely!

Here is a list of the sins of the Watchers and the Giants (or Nephilim) according to the sources you requested:

Sins of the Watchers

- The Watchers were angels who descended to earth and lusted after human women, taking them as wives and producing hybrid offspring called the Nephilim. This violated the natural order and corrupted the human gene pool. ¹²⁴

- The Watchers also taught forbidden knowledge to humans, such as sorcery, astrology, metallurgy, cosmetics, and warfare. This enabled humans to commit more violence and sin. ¹²

- The Watchers conspired together to defy God's authority and abandon their heavenly posts. They made an oath to stick together and face the consequences of their rebellion. ¹

Sins of the Giants (or Nephilim)

- The Giants were the offspring of the Watchers and human women. They were large and strong, but also wicked and bloodthirsty. They devoured the flesh and blood of humans and animals, and even each other. They also oppressed and enslaved humanity. ¹³⁵

- The Giants inherited some of the unnatural traits and abilities of their angelic fathers, such as superhuman strength, longevity, and intelligence. They used these gifts for evil purposes and corrupted the earth with their violence and immorality. ³⁶

- The Giants defied God and His righteous servants, such as Noah and his family. They refused to repent of their wickedness and mocked God's warnings of judgment. They also spread fear and terror among the people who lived in the land of Canaan. ³⁷⁸¹:








Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) The Benei Elohim, the Watchers, and the Origins of Evil.

(2) The Watchers in the Bible - Scripture Meaning and Quotes.

(3) Watcher (angel) - Wikipedia.

(4) The Book Of Enoch (2): The Sin Of The Watchers - Israel Institute of ....

(5) Nephilim - Wikipedia.

(6) Nephilim: Fallen Angels, Giants or Men? - Parshah Focus - Parshah.

(7) Who Were the Nephilim? Giants in the Bible - JW.ORG.

(8) Who Are the Nephilim? - Biblical Archaeology Society.

(9) Understanding the Nephilim and their Role in Bible Prophecy.

The violent immorality, especially sexual immorality, of the giants is not explicitly described in the Bible, but some ancient and modern sources have speculated on their depraved behavior based on their origin and reputation. Here are some possible examples:

- The giants were the result of unnatural and illicit unions between fallen angels and human women, which implies that they were conceived in lust and perversion. Some sources suggest that the fallen angels also taught their human partners various forms of sexual magic and corruption. ¹²

- The giants inherited the wickedness and rebellion of their angelic fathers, as well as their superhuman strength and abilities. They used these gifts to oppress, enslave, and exploit humanity, as well as to defy God and His righteous servants. They also consumed the flesh and blood of humans and animals, and even cannibalized each other. ²³ 

- The giants were known for their violence and bloodshed, which often involved sexual violence as well. They raped and defiled women, men, and children, as well as animals and other creatures. They also committed incest, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, and other forms of sexual immorality.  








Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/12/2023

(1) The 11 Most Sexually Depraved Things the Roman Emperors Ever Did - Gizmodo.

(2) Lust, Sex, and War: On the Depravity of the Pagan Gods.

(3) Romans 1:28-32 -