PREFACE NOTE: The data behind the "story" presented here can be found and assembled from a number of sources found in video form, electronic form, or in book form. References to video source on platforms like YouTube will be linked as the article below unfolds. Book links to much deeper theological study to inform you can be found in sources such as these. If you want the quick view, then see videos like this one.
"The lack of hatred for the LGBTQ ..."
The word "hatred" in this sense is generally held as "you-all-do-not-think-gay-is-okay", followed by accusations of "haters" implying wrong-headedness on the part of those with "hatred for the LGBTQ" community.
Note that what I am headed towards is not the simplistic "hate-the-sin/love-the-sinner" idea, even though that is on the right path, but misses the full mark of reality as it is. Therefore, let's leave such matters and topics on a sidetrack and cut to the heart of it. We really need to just tell the story.
The real issue at hand is found in identifying the root of the bible's condemnation of sexual immorality. Getting to this view requires knowing the backstory of scripture, which is far more than a simple statement of truths like God's creation of sex and its purpose. It is the further backstory that truly demonstrates why this matter is so colossal in size and scope. Most people do not know that backstory, which is the source of their misunderstanding and distorted views.
NOTE: The larger backstory by which biblical scripture is framed is found spread across any number of ancient pseudepigrapha and pagan texts stretching back some 5,000 years. Books like 1 Enoch and Jubilees provide us with excellent critical history as a polemic (strong argument) against more ancient near eastern and Mesopotamian texts as a refutation of correction of those stories. Therefore, it is the larger context of the biblical narrative that will help us to see the bigger and more epic story, truth, and history that matters in every topic, including the gay question presented by this article.
The Rest of
the Story
Men (human beings) were not the first to commit sexual sin in scripture—fallen angelic sons of God were, as well as their bastard giant children. It was part of a "package-of-violence" that they (Watchers) inflicted on humanity in their invasion of our realm from theirs, where God had instructed them to remain, but they rebelled in pride and lust in an attempted coup in both the heavenly unseen realms and in this realm, the earthly realm and our home in creation.
Genesis 6:1-4 talks about sons of God taking wives. The wording of the scripture is the Old Testament being very polite on a sensitive subject.
What did not happen is this: They didn't see pretty girls and ask fathers for permission to marry their daughters.
What really happened: They asked for nothing. They invaded and then forcibly took married women (wives) and RAPED THEM while their powerless husbands were violently attacked and subjugated, as was all of humanity. Picture in your head battle scenes from "The Lord of the Rings" as humans vs. Mordor and you've started to get the picture.
NOTE: See this video series on 1 Enoch for more information on the extreme violence of the Watchers and giants.
The giants (Nephilim), born to the sons of God after the raping and subjugating, then continued in and amplified the sins of their fathers, the Watchers. In fact, there is strong evidence that this sexual violation was far beyond just raping—it went into a twisted animal husbandry for the purpose of attacking and defiling God's creation—animals included. There's an entire backstory to that as well.
Beyond this was the use of herbs (knowledge brought from the heavenlies in disobedience to God) to either destroy (abort) human babies (pure human, not hybrids) and alternatively, the use of other herbal chemistry to prevent natural miscarriages in humans and animals as these sons of God and giants worked to create hybrid human and animal distortions of God's created creatures.
NOTE: See this video (also the link above) for more information on the genetic tampering that was happening during this time.
Now—Advance the story to the Tower of Babel (and beyond) and the picture unfolds even further after the flood. In the post-flood era, the nations were created by God as he literally divorced rebellious humanity, turning us over to other lesser elohim sons of God Watchers, who either were already fallen or quickly fell into like rebellion. Now dead giant spirits (or demons) quickly allied with their "fathers" and attached themselves in ordered ranks to their allied "gods of the nations", becoming the kingdoms of darkness.
These spirits continued their push to the defilement of everything of God and his creation in continued violence against it. This now included spurring humans into all forms of sexual deviancy and immorality, which included everything we see resurging today in the modern LGBTQP+ movement. This implies that the modern movement is not modern, but a continuation of ancient disobediences, rebellions, and defilements of God created order, especially his "imagers" (humanity).
Therefore, the entire matter has a wholly demonic backdrop and root as well as influence.
An example of this in ancient times is the goddess Inanna, who was a gender-bending "goddess" who at times presented itself as male, other times as female, and still others as androgenous (sexless). Each manifestation was in direct opposition to and defilement of God-ordained sex between loyal husbands and loyal wives and a violation of the purpose and pleasures of human sex as created and given by God.
The goddess Inanna would drive "her" followers and worshipers into all forms of sexual deviance like cross-dressing men and women to gender fluidity and gender confusion. All of this was for the purpose of attacking human beings as the "imagers of God", which both gods (ex-sons of God) and demons knew was the Lord's purpose for humanity with regard to human sex.
End from the
The ultimate end of the matter is simple: Way back at the beginning, God pronounced ultimate judgment and condemnation of the Watchers (and demons) that would come on the Day of the Lord, when Judge Jesus Christ judges all creatures—heavenly hosts and human beings. God told the Watchers through Enoch that they would have no mercy and no forgiveness, but only judgment and condemnation awaited them. On that Day of days, they would be judged. In the meantime, some of the worst of the Watchers would be held in an underworld prison (see 2nd Peter and Jude).
Moreover, it is how acts of sexual deviancy and immorality are stemming from and demonstrations of loyalty to these already-condemned gods and demons will lead to the eternal destruction of human beings as they follow after. No one can do these acts without it being a "following of darkness" and a connection to it. Therefore, the grace and love of God is calling us away from and out of this alliance with darkness so that we can be saved and not destroyed.
NOW—YOU have a choice. You can either believe that story (which is 1000% true)—OR—you can turn you back on it, mock it, call it false, and do as you like by your own mind, will, and flesh.
If you will believe that story (there is plenty of evidence, you simply need to open your mind and look) then you will need to start asking questions like:
- 1. Given the story, of what kingdom is sexual immorality a part of and stemming from?
- 2. Given the story, what are the consequences for the Watchers and demons?
- 3. Given the story, how do such actions tie us in loyal allegiance to condemned powers of darkness?
- 4. Given the story, what must we do to be saved?
The answer to all of these questions resolves to a simple (but not simplistic) answer: HEED the call of the King, Jesus Christ to disavow loyalties to gods and demons through the lusts of the flesh and traditions and cultures of men based on them. Once disavowed, then take up allegiance to King Jesus who by the power of God can then give you a reborn (new) spirit through himself at the cross and then endow you with the Spirit of God, which is empowerment and guidance to being loyal to Jesus in actions of loving grace and obedience to him.
In this way, we throw off the acts of sexual immorality because they are actions of loyalty to fallen gods and demons who will be destroyed and us along with them if we continue in our acts of fleshly lust.
Only in the power of God enabling us to live out allegiance to King Jesus Christ in love will we be saved and given the fulness of eternal life and salvation at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
I hope you hear this message and can now start to more fully appreciate the issue of sexual immorality in the face of the story and what Jesus has done and who Jesus is: KING of all kings and ultimate JUDGE of righteousness and wickedness.