Disavow - Avow

Loyalty in its larger context of 1 Enoch

Posted by Admin on November 30th, 2023

It is now clear and obvious to me that the Lord brought me through an opening of my mind to the Enochic backstory laced with the notion of loyalty by Dr. Michael Heiser to then land me on the fuller expression of faith, grace, and works in plain view of a bodily lived-out allegiance to a King, Jesus Christ. What started out as an infantile understanding of the basic notion of loyalty framed against the ancient enemies of God has now blossomed into a deeper view of Kingdom allegiance, loyalty, and fealty to Jesus Christ—as Savior, King, Friend, and finally—as ultimate Judge. I am thankful to God for the work of Dr. Matthew Bates that the Lord has used to begin anchoring me in these thoughts.

The central encompassing vista is that of disavowal of former loyalties and the establishment of new loyalties in response to hearing the history of rebels and rebellions and then the Gospel—the proclaiming of Jesus Christ as the enthroned risen-by-the-power-of-God King of all, endowed with all power and authority in heaven and earth, who will ultimately judge me before all men and women from all time, ancient, modern, and future. There now lives in me a stark and real tension of needed personal maintenance of my disavowal of former loyalties as well as my avowal of Christ as Husband, Master, King, Savior, and Judge.

As such, my disavowal stands up nearly as high as my pledged allegiance to Christ. It is a matter to maintain. It drips with the words of Paul as he relates his own passion for keeping under the lusts, passions, and enticements of sin in his flesh like a boxer landing knockout blows against an opponent. Thus, the enemy is always in view; both the enemy of gods, demons, and forces in the dark unseen realms, but that which is born of them as well: World systems, traditions, cultures, and other human concoctions born from the ancient rebellions and rebels who still reside in the unseen realms.

It is this very tension between the two, where Christ is the greater, who will ultimately judge the former and all those found in loyalty to them that must be maintained. It is not simply a tension of warfare, but the realities of the choices presented and those taken, wherein the bipolarity of a choice-for-rebellion against Christ carries with it a deep sting—as it should, always.

The Lord has used the deep dive into the Enochic backdrop of the bible to flesh out my understanding to such a degree that I would then best understand what disavowal of the Watchers, their sins, and that of their demon kids would mean as the Lord turned my eyes towards the call of loyalty to himself in the Gospel.

Without the Enochian backstory, the sight of loyalty to Jesus would be missing an entire range and depth of detail that would potentially most likely give me cause to waver. yet, having the backstory is what allows me to see the magnitude of my former condition and goads me on into an internal motivation of my own making to press on in loyalty to Christ. At this moment, I cannot imagine a better position given my frail, human, sinful flesh with its constant barrage of crying and blathering on about is lusts that constantly ring in my inward ears.

Finally, it is knowing that to maintain this loyal living to Christ as King is only possible through his power residing in me as his Spirit. This is the reason for the gift of the father to us through the son. The power stacked up against us in the sons of disobedience is so large and we are so blind that our survival in this test of loyalty to Christ would not be possible without it. Each an every day proves to me more and more deeply the truth of my state and condition. Indeed, the very thought of remaining loyal to Christ, much less the action of doing it, would be impossible with the indwelling Spirit of God.

I am nothing. He is all. I am bankrupt and he is a wealth of love and provision beyond imagination or comprehension. It is certain that any limits of his depths are unreachable by me. It is his blood that pours down over me and all who travel nearby in my scope. Thus, the Lord has been gracious to me and not only forgiven me, but provided for me in my weakness. I am clearly bought with a price and in debt to my Savior and King, Jesus Christ forever.