
Why irrational people act irrationally.

Posted by Admin on October 26th, 2023

The gods (who are the fallen sons of God, as well as the ex-giant, now unclean spirit demons that are driving humanity, as a result of Genesis 6 and 11) are never rational.

I find it ironically and tragically humorous when people make statements such as "I don't understand why." The answer becomes apparent once you adopt the correct world view and understanding of the Ancient Near East (ANE). To do this means more than just "coming to Jesus". It means being taught from the perspective of God how the world around us operates and the ancient warfare that couches it.

Demons are irrational; they have never been rational. They are deluded, and they pass this delusion on to us. This takes place both through history and their current influence. Furthermore, they propagate delusion using the traditions and reasoning of deluded men throughout the centuries, leading to the state of affairs we find ourselves in today.

Therefore, we can apply this to anything. Literally, any situation that appears to defy good sense, love, grace, care, compassion, and so on, can be put in this context. This applies to an array of inhumane actions, ranging from mass murder, child abuse, sex trafficking, to theft.

Even cases of anger, violence, abuse, and the seemingly less heinous but equally damaging instances of stubborn pride and thickheadedness, fall under this category. All these actions, despite their varying degrees of severity, outrightly defile the values held in the very person of Christ, wherein such is reversed by His power through Cross and Spirit.

Every aspect has a demonic root behind it, either directly, indirectly, or both. Consider Colossians 2:8 - "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."

The elemental spirits are a host of gods, referred to as the sons of God, who were given control in Genesis 11. Regrettably, they fell into rebellion and war against God and were joined by ex-giants, who have subsequently become a variety of demon spirits. For over 5,000 years, these forces have been actively orchestrating, stirring up confusion, and generating misleading, pagan beliefs. They have become incredibly adept at deceiving us humans, who stumble along blindly. They have packed our minds and thoughts with their influences, their insidious voices, and their triggers, among other things.

For example: Recently, there were deadly shootings in Maine, USA. Reports suggest that at least 22 people were killed and another 30 were injured in the incident. The shooting occurred at two different locations in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday night. 

A man by the name of Robert R. Card, from Bowdoin, Maine, is currently a person of interest in this case. It is concerning to note that this individual was previously admitted to a mental institution, reported to be hearing voices. One can't help but wonder, what were these voices and where were they coming from?

Any Christian with a basic worldview and understanding of spiritual forces in unseen realms know their origins, operations, and thought processes. They have the answers. Conversely, those who lack this knowledge may become mentally flummoxed, struggling to find answers. 

Some of these people may resort to citing biological and chemical imbalances, or lean on psychology, an academic discipline grown out of the godless concept of evolution. This often reflects the confusion borne out of dismissive beliefs that came from viewing life as a product of a random genetic changes, instead of divine creation.

Why does it appear that members of Hamas behave, think, and act similarly to the fallen sons of God depicted in Genesis 6, who began raping, killing, pillaging, stealing, and subjugating both men and women? This reference can also be seen in selected chapters of 1 Enoch such as chapters 7 and 86.

The direct and unequivocal answer is that the very same demons of that time period and the subsequent gods introduced in Genesis 11 are the source of the same misguided madness. This madness is propagated and implanted into the minds and hearts of people who are bound in power to these entities, as depicted in the 'Table of Nations' in Genesis 10.

This perspective frames a religious reality to contemporary geopolitical conflicts, suggesting that ancient biblical narratives provide the necessary insight into modern day crises. Ignoring such things keeps us demonically spellbound in a delusion with no answers.

Westerners are held in a box of science, technology, rationalism, and space aliens. Whereas, middle easterners are held in a mental trap of Islam and the eschatology of a returning "Mahdi" (Messiah) where are the trappings of it are polar opposite to Christ—their bad guys are our good guys and our good guys are their bad guys. Period. Other cultures have their own demon-inspired delusions meted out through history, culture, and various non-Christian religions.

Each offshoot nation, akin to Genesis 10, has its own unseen world of gods and demons having control over it. These entities operate territorially, influencing the beliefs, traditions, cultures, and norms of their respective humans. They effectively serve to enslave these nations, blinding them from the salvation offered by Jesus Christ. It is the combating of this influence that the church was initially called upon and continues to be called upon today. The baton of duty has now been passed to us in the present. Yet, there remains an issue.

Unfortunately, many Christians are blind to this overarching matter. Instead, they find themselves consumed by pursuits of health, wealth, prosperity, and so on. They are misled by other doctrines propagated by these demons, which effectively captivate their flesh and sensualities.

Wrapping it up

For me, the notion of scratching my head in wonder at the delusional behavior of both Jews and Muslim Islamic demonically-controlled Gentiles simply doesn't exist. I don't scratch my head. I don't wonder. I know. Why? Because I'm special? Not in the least! I know because the scripture, when read in its original context and worldview, tells a story that rationalizes and illuminates quite a bit of what others do a continual head-scratch over.

This leads me to a crucial takeaway: Jesus is king!

Salvation is accessible to those who will surrender to Him. Jesus is but a whisper away, with the ministering spirits of both men and loyal angels, as well as the Spirit of God all near, ready, and willing to extend help. The Cross of Christ and the Spirit of God can be applied — facilitating an understanding of the public baptism sealing those who are committed to expressing a believing-loyalty to Christ, even if they confront death as a result (and many in this world will).

The landscape isn't shrouded in mystery, it is simply inaccessible to those blind to the truth of what history and God teach about the metaphysical war all around us.