Bible Backstory

The bible has a backstory you need.

Posted by Admin on October 20th, 2023

Bible backstory

Based on:

1. Reversing Hermon: The Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ

2. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

The scripture has a backstory that was stolen from the church in the 3rd and 4th centuries. Why was it stolen? Because it was the power of Jesus Christ, the Cross, and the Spirit within the context of this story that propelled the Church from a handful of people to those who turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6).

Demons and darkness knew this and set out to do something about it. To set up the strategy, they would need a top-down means of control to strip out the knowledge that was robbing them of human slaves. The top-down power came through the fake conversion of the pagan Roman emperor, Constantine and later through a Roman church "tool" by the name of Augustine. With the Roman empire now in fake Christian hearts and hands that demons controlled, the story could be stripped, removed, mocked, and relegated to the dustbin of history and then papered over with lies and half-truths.

The Three Rebellions

It's all about three supernatural rebellions found in Genesis 3, 6, and 11: The Garden, The Flood invasion, and the Tower of Babel. These three rebellions are being led by fallen supernatural beings (Watchers or sons of God), who then rape human women producing hybrid demigod giants. The Watchers are imprisoned and the giants die in the flood becoming demons operating in the unseen realms (underworld) all around us. The final rebellion is men under demon influence who fail to obey God to spread over the earth and populate it after the flood. Instead, they start building a ziggurat tower to recreate Eden, but with demons as gods instead of God as God.

In each rebellion, there is are consequences: Expulsion from Eden, Devastating Flood, and (finally) the disinheritance of humanity by God, giving us over to lesser gods (elohim)—carving humanity into 70 base nations, each with clans (families), languages, and land. This forces us to stop the demon plan to thwart the coming Messiah. It is these three rebellions and their consequences that set the stage for the rest of time until now and until Christ returns to rule, reign, and finally judge, condemn, and destroy or to give grace and eternal life to those who are loyal to Him.

Thus, it is the Watchers and their giant (now demon) bastard children who have led men into sin, rebellion, and slavery to them in passions and lusts of the flesh. It is here that we must mention the "Sins of the Watchers", which form not only the basis for marking and discerning rebels, but for marking and discerning those loyal to Christ (God).

The Sins of the Watchers (and follow-on demons)

The primary sin of the Watchers is sexual immorality. It is also the primary sin of their giant demigod children (both male and female - now demons) who took the sins of their fathers (raping human women) to new levels of sexual debauchery (i.e., they were the first homosexuals and LGBTQP+ entities, leading men into their self-same sins).

The sins of the Watchers and their demigod bastards did not stop there. They brought worthless "secret knowledge" from heaven with them. Knowledge twisted by rebel minds into arts of seduction, metal working, warfare, killing, the occult, spells, enchantments, curses, and others. It is the very teaching of such things that is also a sin of the Watchers and their demigod children. As such, there is a range of sins that can be used as a barometer to discern who is and who is not loyal to God.

Moreover—one must then become aware that not only was Jesus the antithesis to the sins of the Watchers, doing precisely the opposite, it was His mission when He came to reverse and heal the damage done by the Watchers. This is best seen the fact that the Law of Moses (given at Sinai) was a stop-gap measure designed to temporarily limit the damage of the Watchers and demons among men until Messiah came with the power to save, reverse, heal, and forever cement the Kingdom of God in us, conquering the kingdoms of fallen Watchers and demons: condemning them forever.

His story and ours within it

This is now the story you and I are in. We start as being born into slavery to the gods and demons of the unseen realms by way of our blindness and the passions and lusts of our flesh, which is our condition of sin. Demons then capitalize on this reality to hold us in both lies and enticements and temptations as well as twisted reasoning and validations of self-righteous self-validation, which is utterly a lie and leaves us vulnerable to the same judgment, condemnation, sentencing, and destruction of those we follow after blindly.

The mission of Jesus Christ by the Cross and the given Spirit of God from the Father is to release us into freedom through placing us in Christ at the Cross. Once freed and reborn as a new spirit of the Father inwardly, we are then empowered in our free will of a newborn spirit to prove our loyalty to Christ by not slipping into the sins of the Watchers and their demons who formerly held us as captive blind hostages.

Growing up in Jesus

As we grow in this knowledge and stature of maturity, we are ever attacked and challenged by demons to return to them by the enticements of former pleasures or even new pleasures designed to make us betrayers to God, the Cross, the Spirit, and the very work God has done in us. This is the notion of Hebrews 6 and 10. However, the Spirit of God and those of us with His Spirit has a mission to help and hold us in power and right doctrine to Christ alone. Our mission is to not only be loyal to Christ, but to demonstrate that loyalty by being like Jesus in all ways: loving, forgiving, compassionate, caring, providing, healing, and proclaiming the Kingdom of God in a world of darkness and dark powers, rescuing people held captive and hostage.

Closing Thoughts

This is the story that was robbed from us in the the 3rd and 4th century. It is the story of those creatures who hate us, attack us, and want our torture and destruction along with their own. It is the story of their culpability in the sin of humanity—that is—we don't do this alone; we have help in sinning and rebelling! Thus, knowing our enemy is a primary motivator to become and remain loyal to Jesus by His power, His Cross, His Spirit in us, where we get to be like Him in all ways, demonstrating our loyalty to Him in all ways, proving that we are worthy of eternal life that is freely given for those who are loyal to the end!