From Adam to Disaster

The fall was bad, but about 250 years later it would become so much worse!

Posted by Admin on July 8th, 2023

Adam was created from the ground and placed into idyllic Eden by his Creator, who would then create the other half of humanity in Eve and bring the two of them together with a mandate—have lots of children, subdue the earth, and spread Eden throughout the world! Genesis 3 tells the story of how both Adam and Eve turned the idyllic Eden into a disaster that saw them removed and barred from it.

Included in the story of the murder of Abel and his replacement by Seth is the primitive understanding of God's redemptive love and the first reach of sin beyond Eden. Therefore, the fall of man in Eden and the murder of Abel are the only recorded sins of all humanity until we get to the sins of the Watchers. It is here that we have the incursion of the sons of God and their resulting Nephilim giant bastard children. And here begins the reign of the violent abuse of humanity—and the enticement of people into the sins of the Watchers.

1 Enoch 6 reveals the invasion of two hundred Watchers at Mount Hermon and them taking human wives. Verse 6 tells us that this happened in the days of Jared. Therefore, sometime in the 1,200 years between Jared being born and Noah starting the Ark, the Watchers invaded at Mount Hermon and the violence of of the Nephilim started.

From all of this we learn that there is a long time between the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden and the violence of the sins of the Watchers and Nephilim. It might be as little as 130 years or perhaps as much as 300—the bible is silent on the timing of the arrival of the Nephilim and the ramping up of their violent abuse of humanity, animals, and the earth. Nevertheless—there is a transparent conclusion: From the fall of Genesis 3 to the Nephilim—humanity is certainly fallen, but they are largely anchored to a commitment to God and live in deep sorrow over Eden; like toddlers who realize they have done something really bad, but they don't yet understand the deep consequences of it.

Sorrows time

Consider the scene between the expulsion of Adam until the arrival of the Nephilim. What stories do you think Adam and Eve are telling their children? Do you think humanity has strayed very far from the flaming Cherubim that guard the way to Eden and the Tree of Life? Rather, humanity is most likely camped at the base of Eden, just out of range of the Cherubim. They look longingly at the mount where God came down. Like children who see their parent, but cannot get to them. The sense of empathy for their sadness is overwhelming.

What stories Adam and Eve must be telling their children as they camp there at the base of Eden, just outside and beyond the reach of the guardian cherub angels? My minds eye can imagine the children of Adam looking up from their toil in the fields, longing for Eden and knowing that God was there. Yes—some like Cain would be incensed and rebellious, but others like Abel and Seth would lament and long for God; living in a deep sorrow and desire for righteousness.

So strong is this remembrance of righteousness that it impacts Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah in deep and profound ways. Only when the fallen Watchers (sons of God) show up, take human wives, and Nephilim giants are born, does humanity start to quickly rot on the vine of sin and debauchery. Before that moment, humanity just sits outside of Eden in longing lamentation for the good ole days of God and their lost glory.

Oh, the horror!

We already know that Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah hold a line of righteousness—both spiritually and physically. Noah would go on to be saved with his wife and three boys and their wives in the Ark. Enoch would be translated by God from earth directly into the heavenlies because Enoch pleased God. So—even as humanity melts down in sin and the horror of the violence of the Nephilim, there is a thread of righteousness running along the lines of men that will lead to Jesus Christ millennia in the future!

But do not lose sight of Adam, Eve, and others at the edges of the meltdown. These are the targets of the abuse of raging deviant Nephilim. What's going on in them? What regret? From their perspective, the feelings of sorrow, regret, and horror at what they've done in rebellion is almost palpable. There is something in my human DNA that catches that "vibe". I see in myself the very reverberations reaching through thousands of years all the way to me.

The point

The ultimate point of this writing is to connect with you and allow the realities and possibilities of the time between the Fall of Genesis 3 and the rebellion of the Watchers and Nephilim to grab your attention. The purpose is to highlight just how much damage was done to humanity beyond Genesis 3 by the gods and demon spawns of them. While it is true that humanity sinned, that sin was amplified far beyond where it was before Watchers and Nephilim.

The world we live in is living in the downstream impact of fallen Watchers and demon disembodied Nephilim. I don't think we can fully appreciate just how stark the difference must have been in the before and after picture between Genesis 3 and Genesis 6. Moreover—we live in an ongoing struggle against ancient enemies that are still with us. Those Nephilim may largely not be here as living giants, but their unseen realm spirits remain today as they were, perhaps even worse.

The saddest and scariest part of this entire story is to realize that these creatures are returning. Paganism, gods, goddesses, demons, and perhaps even giant Nephilim (in the form of "aliens") are returning. They are growing. The evil is coming back. Jesus' warning of "as it was in the days of Noah" is our right-now life. It is our headlines, news, media, society, culture, law, government, and world that is being set aflame in growing sin and violence.

Final thought? STAY STRONG in the Lord and the power of His might! Be loyal.